Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Only in Akron

So my sister "Princess Mombi" IMs me the other day, telling me of this crazy night she had partying it up in Akron with this girl who we used to ride the bus with in gradeschool (we'll call her Red). Responsible Woman that she is, she refuses to do the "curb & swerve" home, so they share a cab. (At this point I should mention that I never even knew there were cabs in Akron.)

Having some drunken discussion about being younger sisters, this conversation seems to ensue:

Red: "Everyone always says my sister is so hot"
Princess Mombi: "OH MY GOD! That's the story of my life! My sister is the legendary DAO!" (DISCLAIMER: I was only legendary for the fact that I had a shaved head and a tattoo at 17)
Cabbie's 2 cents: "You're Dao's sister? She was hot! I went to college with her!"

Now I need to know a few things:
1. Where on EARTH do conversations like this really happen?
2. Who did I go to college with that now drives a CAB in AKRON?
3. Why do I find this whole transaction so hilarious?

In Other News:
While I am hopefully getting my eyebrows done tonight to prevent becoming Colin Farrell's twin, the Fabulous Fer will be gallivanting at SPAGO for dinner with his work peeps after a day of meetings at the Regency Beverly Wilshire Hotel. How hard is his life huh? Rub those elbows with celebrities Fer, rub rub.

Can you guess where this quote comes from? "Write it down Kit!" "Reg Bev Wil, Got it!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Pretty Woman, Alex.

I should be winning a million dollars on Jeopardy.


7:33 PM  

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