Tuesday, April 26, 2005

No Sleep till Brooklyn, Part Deux

Soooo, by now dear internet, I am sure you have caught wind of the lack of sleep going on in our household. Well, I guess that is not entirely true, The Dog & The Bean, they are both sleeping well. Fer and I on the other hand... well, lets just say that at 3 weeks and counting, I am starting to realize that ALL my pants are CrankyPants.

During all this sleepless living, some real gems have been bestowed upon me. Things I can use against Fer for the remainder of his life. Aside from this whole banishing him to the edge of the bed for randomly grabbing me as I start to roll over as if he is going to shake the shit out of me and scream "Where the hell have you been!", he has been saying some REALLY AMAZING things in his sleep. Case in point, last night he gently rolls over to me, kisses my shoulder, and slowly says the following: "I want to play... in the weeds... by the cable box... like everyone else."


Being the loving wife that I am, I decided that it was best to sit upright and respond: "Get over on your side of the bed and stop touching me!" And then take a mental note of what he said so that I could share it with you, sweet internet. And aren't you glad I did?

In Other News:

Another gem was coined last night over at Katochanel's... Mr G was holding Ellie and she was sort of wiggling around and not focusing on her bottle. realizing the screen saver on the computer was to blame, this calmly exits his mouth: "It's only a starfield Ellie."

Yes Ellie, its only a starfield. Calm down. I think I am going to use that for the rest of my life. LMAO.

AND: Has anyone been watching GH? The new Carly is a total tranny! How could they think that man-woman could replace our dear Tamera? Seriously people, get a freaking clue! If I ever see Bob Guza on the street I am so going to knife him. Its probably a good thing we moved out of LA.

Fer thinks its real funny these days to ask me comparisions about GH characters to see who I like better, who i think is cuter, and in total 6th grade style, who I want to kiss. Like, as if I would ever choose AJ if given another option! And yes, of course Jason wins above all others. Can I get a hell yeah?

Fer, you real crazy. ;-)

-over and out-


Blogger Mombi said...

Please do not ever sleep again. You are way funnier this way.


9:48 AM  

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