Not surprisingly, Barbara Bush is an asshole
So sorry, Dear Internet, to have gone so political in these past few posts, but some of the things that are going on in this country are not only completely appalling, but utterly shocking that more of our media outlets are not calling our leaders out on their shit. Seriously.
We've got Captain Yahoo & his cronies walkin' around with their sleeves rolled up for the cameras, acting as though it just proves to the 'Merican Public that 'We're werkin' hard to make this sititation right for ya'll', you've got documents starting to pile up that point to FEMA director Michael Brown (not surprisingly), as not only being an incompetent ass in general, but also just this side of crazy enough to wait on a call for action, delay the deployment of National Guard and other volunteers while only asking that 4,000 people be sent to hurricane stricken locations. WTF?!?! Oh, any by the way, if you could all portray a positive image of disaster to community organizations and the general public, it'd be apprecaited.
Then we have the Queen Bee of them all, Barbara Bush walking around the Houston Astrodome being quoted as saying "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said during a radio interview with the American Public Media program "Marketplace." "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."
So, basically, since all these people were living in shit before, they should be happy and comfortable with living in a little less shit than they were! Who cares if they don't know where their families are! Who cares that they were walking over dead bodies and shitting on floors only 3 days ago! Living on cots in the middle of the Astrodome is FUCKING GREAT compared to what they had going on previously!
While we're at it, let's also talking about the term refugee since its being thrown around so much these days because, well, I don't know why really, just because the majority of the people happen to be Black? I mean, you tell me America, why the hell are we calling all these Americans, Survivors of a Natural Disaster, refugees when the meaning of the term is such:
Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: "re-fyu-'jE
Function: noun
: an individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion)
I just don't see it. I see only faces of mothers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, aunts, uncles, grandparents, who have lost everything. Maybe I am fucking stupid for thinking in this day and age, if it could ever be, this is the time that race would not matter.
Why don't we talk about that for awhile.
-over and out-
What about Wolf Blitzer commenting that the people in New Orleans are, "So poor, so black"
I'm going to have to rethink my policy regarding not giving 80 year old women a black eye.
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