Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Can't get no.... Can't gimmie no....

Last night is why I could greatly benefit from wireless web and a lap-top ("lap-top.... lap-top... It's not just a dog, it's for christmas too!"). Fer was holed up with the computer recording away while I was stuck contemplating life old-school style... taking pen to paper. My, how times have changed. My mass-garbage-media consumption has been at an all-time high from all this vacationing I've been doing. I was banned from reading one more US Weekly or People... "Stars! They're Just like US! They go to the grocery store! They drink Starbucks! They walk their dogs!" Awesome. Yeah, I can see why its got to go. I think its been contributing to my creative slump, my lump crumpled mess.

So many more ways than I thought possible I am missing LA & all its craziness. Maybe it's just the thought of a few chances that I didn't stick around to take, maybe its some faces that I wish I could see around, but..... Then I look at this crazy kid, already 11 months old, and she knows her family and I think really- thats the point.

Forward motion -

In Other News:

Sleestacks, if you are still around, you'll be happy to know I am cutting the majority of my hair off Saturday morning. You're right, I just can't take it anymore. I'm trying to make some changes around here people.

We're all DEVO

-over and out-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gayle - I feel ya, I feel ya, I feel ya.

You're so totally right, change is good! Maybe I shall cut the majority of my hair off too....

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yucca says....just shave it off. pierce the other side of your nose. buy some docs (some real sh*t kickers).

no seriously, how much? i think i like circa 97.

6:05 PM  
Blogger dao said...

Ah Humanity...

i love you.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Dave said...


I'll be back in Chicago on the 20th, and I'll be free that weekend. PLEASE BE FREE SATURDAY the 23rd! PLEEEEASE!

9:26 PM  

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