Thursday, October 06, 2005

No time here, what with all the celebrating.

Oh yeah, celebrations abound the greater Chicago area this week. It's official, Elliott got into the Lakeshore Schools "Little Fishies Room" for early pre-school. She starts Nov.7 and I can't wait. I can't wait because this kid is MENSA in the making, and it is seriously tiring me out. Not to toot my own horn, but definately to toot her's since she can't yet call you up and tell you herself, even though she would love nothing better since any object even remotely shaped like a phone she pulls up to her head and lets out a giant HiYa! followed by strings of language that sound like bobbie! Debbie-debah! and grunts and Ya! I mean, she is only 14 months old, that should be enough, but no, there's more: she got the top 2 1st year molars this week, and the bottoms are right behind. She sings the ba-bah parts to Deathcab for Cutie, as well as the "round and round" part to the wheels on the bus, but get this, its not only in the right places, when the music starts she recognizes it and starts to sing! I don't know, but I think its genius. The list just goes on and on as far as celebrations and Elliott's genius, but I think I will stop there while I hopefully still have some friends.

Anyway, Princess Mombie has been inspiring me as of late with all her purging of belongings and junk. I do not have the patience to sell or ebay my items, but I can sure throw stuff away let me tell you. So, inspired by her new tradition of going through 1 thing a day and getting rid of things, I have been trying to do the same. So far we have cleaned out the dressers and closets, and tonight I think I am going to start the LARGE project of tackling the basement.

I mean, since i have all this time on my hands with the not watching of all the tv, well, I might as well be productive.

In Other News:

I spent yesterday and todays morning naps going through all my tivo'd episodes of Everyday Italian & 30 Minute meals and writing down all the recipies I want to make. I think I came up with a total of 15 new recipies. Who wants to come over and be a guinea pig?

-over and out-


Blogger Mombi said...

Actually, I think you inspired the 2005 Grand Clean-A-Thon with your wacky trip through M&H’s house when you were in town last. Thanks for that one, it almost gave me a panic attack and I STILL have to go back and get more crap that’s piled in their garage… and Kirk’s parents still have some of our stuff in their basement. THIS.MUST.END!

Your daughter is a genius… but I already knew that. Now she just needs to call Auntie Mombi and talk all of that babytalk. Especially on my work phone, I would enjoy that. And you haven’t lived until you’ve heard her sing the little “Baba! Ba-ba!” during Deathcab for Cutie. As soon as the first few beats play, her eyes light up and she starts going, “BABA! BA-BA! Baba!” all excited and out of breath and cute and what not. Did I also mention that she’s a genius? I should start calling her Miss Mensa.

Lastly, Lizz has been quick to comment lately, so we know she's online. But I don't see any new blog posts for her... do you?

11:37 AM  
Blogger dao said...

Not only are there no new posts for Markovicious, but I know she has all those internet friends on FACEBOOK.... so how do i fit into the equation again?

Oh right... I'm old.

And I am saving all the clothes for you to go through when you get here at Thanksgiving. Right? RIGHT?

6:20 PM  
Blogger Mombi said...

By the way, could we get some video of Ellie singing Deathcab and put it up on her site? It really is so precious that it should not be missed (or forgotten!)


8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the sound of settling.

5:40 PM  

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