Thursday, November 17, 2005

Quote of the day

"I'm already wierd enough, I don't need to be like... cat lady wierd."

Amen sista, amen. I mean, I know we've all known and loved some cat-lady wierdo (some might say, it could be possible, that Mombi is headed in that direction) but I mean, who really wants to become one?


So, that brought my friend & I around to the topic of New Year's Eve. Believing that if there is no one to kiss, or no one even kissable on New Years should you opt for just staying in with your mom? And don't get me wrong here people, I've had a few all-out party-of-a-lifetime-parties with my mother (and I CAN post photos to prove it) but still... some others mothers are not quite, as, well, how can I put this in a diplomatic fashion...

I think i am just going to stop here with this notion.

Back to the point: I made the suggestion that no matter what time in my life as far as with or sans boyfriend, husband, whatever, that if I had my dear, sweet friend Champagne with me on New Year's I most likely did not care for a midnight kiss regardless. I mean, when you have that warm glow on in the soft Champagne light... who really gives a fuck where you are or how you got there, or even if you are there with anyone you know? Ah, Champagne, sweet champagne. So in MY brillance, I suggested that she just come over here for New Years and we will drink sweet champagne together till the sun comes up. I guess that means that I should start looking for that overnight babysitter, and also, for the money to pay for it.

Um, Markovicious... any chance you aren't busy for New Years and you like... wanna watch a super cute baby? Just thought I'd try my luck. As payment I'll give you all my love and affection.

In Other News:

So apparrently all you people who have my number think that when I say DONT CALL ME ABOUT THE SECRET I WILL NOT TELL YOU must think that i did not mean YOU exactly. Well, I did mean YOU. STOP IT. Seriously.

That includes you Fer.

I think there's a baby that needs picked up somewhere.

-over and out-


Blogger the dollimama said...

shall i finish your sentence for you?

"but still... some others mothers are not quite, as, well, how can I put this in a diplomatic fashion..." weird...?

thanks for the shout-out...i've had tons-o-fun with you and yours, too! truly!

5:44 PM  
Blogger dao said...

Actually it was going to be more along the lines of you being so young and like, um, attractive to all my male friends....

But then... i didnt want anyone to think it meant they were not young and attractive too... ugh, foot in mouth, have to go now....

6:26 PM  
Blogger Mombi said...


I'm cat-lady, street hag, bat-shit crazy. I always have been! Only now I'm a wee bit more vocal about it. In time, you will see that you are too. Genetics are a motherfucker. But at least we're cute. It'll keep us from The Home.

I have to go now. It's time to dumpster dive for egg cartons. The holidays are fast approaching and I need to make gifts!

5:53 PM  
Blogger Mombi said...

Dao's comments are blowin' up! This muthafucka is like a chat room!!!

6:11 PM  

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