Thursday, June 22, 2006


A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Ah, the undivided attention of a child and Blues Clues. Normally I would not have Elliott watching TV in the am on a school day. But today is different considering a few things: Kris has left for work before 7am every day this week, and Elliott woke at 5:30am, calling "Mommy! Mooooooooooommmmmyyyyyyy! Where are you? Where are you Mommy? Come in heeeerrrrreeee!" And, while I was not inclined to come in there, it was a really funny way to wake up. I pushed it as long as I could... and at 6:10 we were up. Such is life with child, just thought I would share.

In Other News:

Not much else is going on this week. I am gearing up for being carless for tomorrow thru sat morning as Fer has to go to Detroit for work. Good times... in all honesty, I can't really stand Detroit. Have fun, don't get shot. I will be busy getting my hair cut and colored tomorrow... since I have not had it cut since I decided to grow it out in October. I would guess its more than time.

And i just caught my daughter licking her own toes. Utterly Gross. I will see if I can get a photo to bribe her into good behavior in about 12years.

-over and out-


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