The Beginning and the End...
So, today is the first day of my Maternity Leave. Last night, to celebrate and wind down after 2 days of stressful, painful work, I layed in my air-conditioned bedroom, ate Summer Berry Pie (from Whole Foods, all organic, all natural, preservative-free) A'La Mode (with Haugen-daz French Vanilla, 1 scoop) and watched movies from Netflix (my best friend in the whole wide world) until Midnight. Then I slept till 10am. Awesome. I am SOOOOO taking advantage of the whole sleep thing while I can, because any day now I could become a zombie.
On the movie note, this week I have watched Along Came Polly (Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston) and Secret Window (Johnny Depp, John Turturo sp?) Neither one really made me happy. They both passed the time, but like, I have seen Ben Stiller act like an ass now a million times, and the toilet overflowing is now in EVERY MOVIE HE DOES, so like, I am so over him. Besides, my REAL boyfriend is Vince Vaughn, and he is so the funnier of the 2 anyway. Its the only reason to see Dodge Ball, I love that dry wit.
But I digress.
Secret Window was so predictable, stupid and lame for a movie based on a Steven King short story or whatever it was, and I was appalled with the way Johnny Depp was totally not used to their advantage. I mean, he could have played that roll so much more intense. Instead it was like watching a shadow of Johnny. What a waste. John Turturo is scary no matter what. That guy is a weirdo.
In Other News...
Down to the last few Dr. Visits before baby. Yesterday was my 38 week check-up and the Dr pressed down on my belly in a million ways to see where Elliott was using the available space to her advantage. To say it was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Where he pushed, something was smushed and I just DO NOT HAVE ANY EXTRA ROOM FOR THINGS TO BE SMUSHED! I AM SMUSHED TO COMPACITY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I think he got it when I was like, Woah, ugh, huh, wow, that's like, um, REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE. Are you trying to push her out now?
Ok, that's it, almost time for GH, got to make a sammich and get back into the sweet-ass air-conditioning.
-Over and out-
Sounds like a good night o' relaxing. I went out with Mum for mexican and margaritas, but you can't have that kind of relaxing... yet!
Along Came Polly and Secret Window looked lame from the previews. However, Mean Girls ruled. I highly recommend it.
If you wanna watch a hottie, grab a Mark Walhberg flick... I LOOOOVE those Boston Accents.
I expect GH updates, I haven't gotten to watch it in ages... I swear to god if they recast Brender I'll hurt someone...
S&Believer forever!!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon, Ellie-Bean... Auntie Mombi wants to meet you!
Man, I remember those last blessed days of bed-rest before Tornado Madison blew in. Cherish them, because Hurricane Elliott will be here soon.
I heard Charade is a good movie...
no, no, baddao! hold onto ElliottElliottElliott (i'm banking them, if you know what I mean!) for just a bit least until I can get there!! Believe me, I'm treating every day at work like it's my last one before I leave. It's a good feeling and I've been delegating like a mutha. *ahem* which I am. and soon, you will be, too.
as I signed off on the mombiblog,
...the tree from whence your apple fell...
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