Global warming for the mentally challenged
Ok, so i know that global warming is bad bad bad news. But, for people like me (read: seratonin deficeint) its really not all that bad. Yesterday it was sixty, SIXTY. Do you hear me?!? SIXTY degrees in the midwest in January! I was out with Rach-o and the babe shopping in a t-shirt. No coat, no hat, scarves or mittens. And that, my friends, is what turned this boat around. One day, thats all it takes. Well, and the few (too many) bottles of wine rach-o, Fer and I shared last night to let off a little steam. I did not feel like a new woman at 7am, but now, now I feel like a new woman.
So, thank you Global Warming, and Thank You, sweet internet, for all your comments, calls, emails and good wishes for this sad girl. I am sad no more. But I will let you all pick me up again, if i should need it.
In Other News:
Today it is snowing, and so we are staying in and out of the cold. But, tomorrow it is KatoChanel's birf-day and we are gonna Celebrate good times come on! The Bean can't WAIT to see you. Happy Birthday.
Oh, and internet... sssshhhhhhhhh. Guess who's sleeping ;-)
-over and out-
Can I make a photo request for thumb-sucking pictures?
I've heard rumor of it, but I wanna SEE it.
*singing* cute baby, cute baby, ELLIE!
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