Monday, February 27, 2006

Strange day

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Today a few girls from school and I went out and about the town checking out spa locations and the like, and a few strange things took place. One I can remember because I have this photo of it. It is the display window of a china shop. Interesting choice for adornment. I am not sure how they are selling their place settings, or if it's working. I mean, I am talking about the shop and what I saw, but I am pretty sure that I would not step foot in there for it is creeping me out, just a tad. To clarify, that mannequin is wearing a veil, lingerie, and a hula-hoop skirt in brass with china hanging from it. You tell me.

One of the other creepy/strange things is that while we were riding the escalators up there was a young child riding up infront of us, maybe 6 (but small), with a red hoodie, zipped up and the pointed hood pulled up and tight, backpack on, seemingly all alone. And when I said, (loudly) "Where is an adult attached to that child? What the hell is going on here?" (having thoughts of Brody in Mallrats...) the child turned around and made the shhhhhhhhhh face with little finger to it's lips, and what was totally creepy was the kid completely reminded me of Macaulay Culkin in The Good Son. CREEPY. And as the kid walked away, there did not seem to be an adult attached to it. Like I said, CREEPY.

I felt like I had more to say before I started this post. Maybe I burnt it all out on my previous one (see below). If I remember anything of importance, I will return. Until then, I bid you adeau.

-over and out-


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