Thursday, July 13, 2006

If there were any doubt.....

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

...that this girl is MY daughter it was proof putting yesterday when Fer picked one Bean-a up, in different clothes then what she started in, with this note. In case its not quite clear enough, let me help:

"Elliott threw up in her bed. She was fine, it was from her putting her fingers in her mouth. Please send extra clothes."

For those of you who read this and really know me, this is self-explanitory. For those of you who don't.... i'm a barfer. Always have been, always will. I don't mean I make myself throw up on purpose.... its just that, well, just about everything makes me throw up. I have one of the weakest stomachs known to man. And when I realized that my daughter likes to stick her fingers, spoons, crayons, whatever is at her disposal, down her throat so that she can gag a little and laugh about it, I knew bad things were on the horizon.

So, all I can really say is... I am glad someone else had to deal with it this time and not me. LMAO.

-over and out-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just glad somebody else's kid has supermodel syndrome too. LoL. Crazy babies!

6:59 PM  
Blogger Mombi said...

Is this like the forced sneeze craze that you used to go on with Rachel?

I never understood that. I'd rather die than vomit.

4:10 PM  

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