Wednesday, November 08, 2006

To be a woman...

...Does it really mean that we have to express and experience a love of shoes? I did not think so before yesterday, but I am beginning to change my mind on this matter. Above are the boots I purchased last year, online, after some intense brousing with Rittle Rizzy (read: 2 1/2hrs online). We stumbled across these, teetering at the edge of the internet, and in that instant, I knew no matter what, my sleep would be disrupted until I had them in my closet. Now, some of you know this is not a common experiece for me... I suffer from horrible buyers remorse and rarely shop anywhere that pants cost more than $30. And even that's a stretch. BUT, these shoes were different. They spoke to me. They were telling me I could be a better person, do better things, enjoy life more if I had them. And so far, one year later, they did not lie. Until Yesterday:

I saw these amazing boots in the window of a store I rarely walk past because I know that it will only get me into trouble. You know, the kind of store that only has about 35-40 items at any given time... you get what i'm saying. But when I saw these.... they too spoke to me.... After I caught my breath and the pounding in my ears quieted. Check the side detail:

That's hot right? They are comfortable and unique, and so...ugh, I hate to even say it.... so ME. And now they are mine. And I will be a better person, enjoy life more, say even wittier things.... I know it. I mean, shoes like these, how could they lie? Riiiiiiiight?

In Other News:

Changes are afoot 'round the Carter Compund. Some of you know, some of you don't. This is the interesting part however: I set my intention 2 days ago, specifically requesting for the outcome of these elections to reflect the greater good. In that, there is no room for error. Yucca called this a.m. to share that Ohio has gone Democrat again, including Governor (which hasn't happened since like '82) and all important levey's passed for the schools, metro parks, libraries, as well as the smoking ban. To those of you that still smoke, I am sorry. But for the Quitters out there like me.... Word Up!

-over and out-


Blogger H. Harvey said...

So we discussed spending like this and concluded that there are those times (usually when a real voice from nowhere whispers some nonsense to you as you walk through your cornfield) when, if you adopt the "Build it and they will come," philosophy, you are more often than not (as long as you don't take advantage) right!Reinvesting in the economy in ways other than those found in Casinos can be a good thing, both practically and karmicly.

I'll also note that on that rare occasion when I REALLY catch myself: "No, my music isn't making me a lot of dough and I have plenty of instruments and I'm not gigging THAT much, so I'm not gonna go out and buy that PERFECT (I think) FOR HARVEY Fender Classic Twin 15 for $1000+," showing real responsibility, the next day I find out that the little clicking sound yielded a $700+ axle job on the car... and the click is still there, and the question is begged as to whether it would have been needed at all had I spent the grand on the amp. Right???!!!

So, Dao, consistent with this thinking, we'll just figure that buying these boots prevented a serious family illness or lightning strike or something. The TV still works, right?

Mazel Tov xoxoxoxo

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! They are delicious!

2:14 PM  
Blogger Mombi said...

'Tis a lovely jovely day in this thriving, flourishing sector of Northeast Ohio! The brilliant came out yesterday, spoke, and I'm basking in the afterglow.


Both pairs of boots are, as yucca so eloquently put it, delicious. The second (green ones) are even moreso. As luscious as an apple. An Ohio-grown democratic apple, that is.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this blog yesterday and after tearing myself away from staring at the green delicious boots, I assured myself I'd be able to move on. However, I dreamt about them all night...and I couldn't stay away from them again this morning. You're officially my new hero.


10:51 AM  

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