The Mao Se Tung competition...
Elliott is now 4 months old, and apparrently last week she enterted the Mao Se Tung competition without even asking myself or her father. It seems this may run in our family (see Princess Mombi's recent post) but seriously kid. . . calm down. You are 4 months old, what really could be that bad even if you do have massive amounts of gas?
Speaking of the gas, I am wondering at this point if there could be some tyoe of medical condition that she has that makes her like the gassiest baby born to this planet. I mean seriously, that child burps and rips massive farts that far surpass ANY competition I have heard on Howard (stern, of course) its insane. Once we get her to the new peditrician for more of her shots (oh the fun!) I will ask about all this gassiness because I cannot imagine that its normal.
Fer had an alltime great experince of being pooped on this week. I think it was Ellie's gift to him for taking care of her so that Momma could go out for a little while and get some sanity before winter strikes a heavy blow and the next thing i know its been 4 more months and I have not left the house. It was just enough time to rejuvinate me. Holidays, here I come.
Well, I hear the BeSerker making her discomfort known and I better get up there and help Fer out before he and Lilah both move into the car for the winter.
-over and out-
Believe it or not, I can go months without burping. Really.
For as gassy as I can be, somehow it comes out the basement rather than the attic. Dunno why.
And I win the Mao Se Tung competition. I mean, really. Sha'mon, Shaliqua! You know that!
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