Who am I to question it?
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Akron. I am not one to question things, and I know a gift when I see one. Whatever magic it is that you are cooking up, I am now, and forever more, a firm believer in your mojo. I and the other 100-some-odd passengers of flight #1197 from LAX to ORD (Chicago-O'Hare) thank you from the bottom of the heart.
See, My mom and step-dad have a pal, Mr. Akron, who mysteriously places "Travelers Blessings" on those he deems special enough. And thank the sweet baby jesus I am in that small grouping of people blessed with his travelers bubble, because ELLIOTT SLEPT THE ENTIRE PLANE FLIGHT. From the moment we stepped on the plane until the moment we landed, that kid was asleep hardcore.
I will not lie, i have paid a heavy price for every one of those 3 hours and 25 minutes of precious slumber since our arrival here, but it was well worth it. I would rather have Elliott crying in the comfort of my aunt's house, or my cousin's car, rather than 130 people and Mr Bernie Mac ready to tear my guts out and hang me out to dry for having the worst child on the planet. And yes, i said Bernie Mac. He was on our flight and said hi and thinks my daughter is cute.
Once we get our stuff unpacked and I get to use the camera I will use my new flicker set-up and you can see just how cute. Its Halloween and Ellie had her first costume. Fitting with her good nature since our arrival she was a witch. Awe yeah.
In Other News:
Fer made it across the country with Lilah in tow and neither seem to be any worse for the wear except that Lilah is now on a heavy-duty diet because of her attack of The Burrito Incedient. She ate an entire (paper and all) veggie-works burrito from Del Taco while Fer was checking into his hotel room for the night. That is about 1lb of food. Awesome dog, awesome.
Its been 1 full week since I have seen GH and its killing both me and Elliott. I cant wait for us to move into the new place and get back to our routine... That krazy bitch Heather was SO CLOSE to being found out that she is keeing catatonic Laura in the Q's attic. Can you even believe it.
I missed gilmore girls, much to my dismay (sorry grandy, you HAVE to fill me in) last Tues because even though i said i would not forget, i DID forget that here in the middle of it all, primetime starts at 7pm not 8. I am sure there is someone I can write a letter to about my dismay, when I find out just who that is i will let you know.
Finally, Vote on Tues dammit, unless you are voting for Bush, in which case, please stay home.
Thank you.
-over and out-
What the hell is Laura doing in the attic????? Primetime at 7!!! What a wonderful life. I always thought that would fit my schedule better. Lucky you.
Check this Anti-Bush letter out. It's funny as balls.
Babies for Bush!
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