Monday, January 08, 2007

Might as well....

I don't often jump on blogging bandwagons... and I am not quite sure if I have ever answered a survey, but this one tempted me. Maybe because I have an extreme obsession with being "tested". Not in a "I gotta pass my Socical Studies test" kinda way (maybe thats why I got a D in social studies) but more in the clinical "am I literally crazy and don't really know it yet" kinda way. So therefore, when i saw the opportunity to take a HumanMetrics Personality Test, I was all over it.

In general it said I am a Teacher/Idealist. Go ahead, you tell me, does this sound like the No no, Bad Dao that you know and love?

Theory I
Theory II

I think I may agree, but then I am not really sure if I like what it says about me.

Discuss. LOL

-over and out-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We scored the same. Weird.

7:48 AM  

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