Little bup-bup....
Oh little miss Frankie Jane. You turn 1 year old today. I can't honestly believe that it was only 1 short year ago that I was sitting in the hospital, holding you in my arms, and worrying about how your sister was taking to all this. You, whose labor was a piece of cake overall, which is no small thing for going at it without any drugs... who came into this world so quiet, and then, when you were ready, let out an earsplitting scream.... which you use to your advantage to this day. You, who came in matching your sister, pound for pound and inch for inch, 7 days overdue... just to insure you were not to be outdone by your big sister. Already so new and so demanding. You, with the 4 months of colic, which threw me for a loop, I won't lie, and at times made me question my ability to even be a parent.... this year has seemed so short, and yet so long. So many things have happened, and so many things have stayed the same. And that is what you will spend the rest of your life learning... so many new things happen, so many stay the same.
You are so feisty, so full of fire. Quick to laugh and quick to cry, always wanting your way in between. Already knowing that your sister is trying to get one up on you, and already figuring out how to make it all work to your advantage.
And walking. Almost running, just to keep up with what's going on, where everyone else is going.
No doubt you will spend a lifetime doing this exact same thing, and I will try and be there to pick you up when you fall, just like I am now.
Frankie Jane, Frankenfurter, Franklin Mint, little bup-bup, bubbie.... its no wonder you never answer to your name, we have so many for you, but all they mean is: LOVE.
Happy Birthday Little One.
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