Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Keep on, Keepin' on

Its totally official. There's no backing out now. We are embarking on a new adventure of sorts... the kind that comes with hammer and nails and a general knowledge of how things work and get fixed. Thank god I was paying attenion to my Dad, all those years listening inbetween "Goddamnits" while doing general home improvements will now actually pay off.

The move date was set, and then changed again, because you know me! I can't ever just sit tight and wait for things to come along. I have to poke, prod, manuver and manipulate everything in my power to get things going fasterfasterfaster. Don't you wish you lived with me too? (lol) If you like trainwrecks, its totally fantastic! So we are now moving Feb 17. Awesome! 4 whopping weeks to pack up and load out.

I love moving. Seriously. I love the going thru old things, getting rid of clutter, and the general clean slate for decorating and organizing that moving brings. So for me, I can't pack fast enough. I could throw a million things away, except for the fact that my darling husband knows that someday some of this crap is going to come in handy. Crap that has been sitting in boxes since we moved from Ohio the first time, winter 1999. I figure if you haven't looked or referenced something in 3-4 years of living, and you don't need it to prove to the IRS or Government that you are who you say you are and INDEED, I DID pay my taxes.... GET RID OF IT. Except Junk Jewelry. You can never have too much junk jewelry. Thats a fact.

Right now, however, one could open both the Museum of Bass Player Magazine AND Large Analog Recording Devices in our basement. I don't even think Bass Player Magazine has archives going back as far as these. Fer realz. Thats what I get for playing house with a man who only utilizes his Virgo tendancies (read: anal/organized) pertaining to music items and archives. So if I am ever not around, beware... Fer more than likely will not be able to find a valid piece of identification. Gotta love it, riiiight?

But I digress. I am starting to become a bit overloaded with the decorating opportunities, amount of space and options... but all in due time. For now... its all about cleanin out the clutter and getting a move on.

Ohio, here we come.

In Other News:
Auntie Maynan has been bitten by the buying bug and is currently looking into home purchase. Do it Maynan, before you see what I have bitten off and get scared away! LMAO. There's safety in numbers, for those of us who are ignorant & Cuh-RAAAAY-ZAY!!!

-over and out-


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