There's supposed to be a photo with this post, one of my messy, smoke-filled hair and no makeup, just to show you the after glow I still have from Joe Arthur's set last night at Double Door. Blogger is letting me down however, and who knows when it will finally show up out of the ether. Have a good laugh at my expense when it does.
Anyway, back to the show: It was the first time that I have seen him with a full band, and this is a notice to all of you who may have the chance to catch him sometime on this tour.... DO IT.
It was awesome. He was in fine fine form... gettin all up and crazy with his singing quite evangelical in motions. I wonder if hanging out with Greg Dulli is rubbing off on him... seems that way, and you KNOW thats something I am happy about. Seriously, it wass good times. We chatted as per usual for a moment after the show.... ah, Akron connections. ha ha.
In Other News:
My dad has been here visiting all week, and its been really cool. It was an unexpected trip, and enjoyable since he's not been able to visit much at all over the past 6 or 7 years. So that is where my lack of screen time is coming from.
Really though, you should not expect too much from me since for the next 4 weekends we have visitors from out of town that i am REALLY FREAKING excited about. But, dont forget my undying love for you, dear internet, and know that I am never really that far away. (wink wink)
-over and out-