Wednesday, July 26, 2006

#2, a week early.

Dear Elliott,

Next week is your second birthday... we have been planning your party, decorations, gifts, etc all week, and it has really had me thinking about how much you've changed so quickly. Its amazing that yet another year has flown by, and you are not really my little baby anymore. Already, for the most part, you are a curious, independent, willful toddler who has a ready "Let Elliott DO IT!" attitude and statement for almost any experience.

This is honestly not surprising, since I tend to be rather willful myself... what has been surprising is how willing I am to step back and just let you do it. To see what you can find out on your own, with me there to cheer you on. I must say, it has created some amazing results.

You are also developing an extensive vocabulary, complete with the correct usage of delicious, absurd, and exciting, among others. You also have an amazing sense of humor, you love to show how funny you can be.... and you are right on. I love it when you say "I'm Funny! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Last night over dinner, Daddy & I thought we would be really smart and ask you what our names were... like you would only know to say mommy or daddy. And when I asked what Daddy's name is, you curtly responded with "Kris". When asked what mommy's name is, a very clear "Gayle" was uttered. But the most amazing thing was the look on your face, you looked at me as if we had lost our minds for #1, not knowing our own names and asking you, #2, thinking that you would not know what other people call us. Amazing.

These days you love to laugh and sing every song under the sun, completely and in time. So well in fact, that OTHER PEOPLE know what you are singing, (to name a few: ABCs, Itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, row row row your boat, and just so you can stand out in a crowd: the majority of The Beauty & The Beast soundtrack, AND Good nab & Goodnaght in GERMAN. {no, i am not freaking kidding}) You also love to have tea parties with Dora, Elmo & Zoe, using your "Bunny Linens" on laps and to clean up spills.

I just can't get over what a little girl you are becoming. Every morning when you wake up, your blue eyes sparkle with excitment, awe, love and wonder and I can't help feeling that I could loose myself forever in those moments. A friend was trying to make plans for a weekend coming up and I had to say that I only make plans with family and other people who have kids on the weekends because my time with you is so important. And as the words came out of my mouth I was amazed that I have become this person who is your mommy. I was not sure, or, i should say, am not always sure of what I am doing, but I know there is nothing I wouldn't do to spend more time with you and show you all my love.

Happy Birthday Bean-a.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Grand times

Last night we recieved the long-awaited call, that I just knew would eventually come... our good friends John & Jenny are moving back to Ohio. There have been a million coincidences in our lives and relationship together, and the Ohio connection has always been a big one. I cant wait for us to reconnect there, now with baby Jett (is that not the most KICK ASS NAME EVER?) (well, aside from naming a girl Elliott anyway) in tow... I see great things in our future.

John was already planning the placement of the tents in his 2 acre back yard for the kids as we have an all-night bonfire, recalling the days past of camping in the San Bernardino Mountains. Good times, good times.

Looks like we may be able to build that utopian community Cassandra & I dream about yet. Ah, the modern-day hippies..... Let's get our Reiki on.

And, last but not least... a little snippet of Bean tryin to stay cool on a summer day:

She is saying: "come on Lau... dontcha wanna git in?

In Other News:

I am NOT saying I am going back, BUT in line at the store last night I saw the new ABC Soaps in Depth, AND they say Tamera Braun is headed back to GH. You KNOW that will be hard to resist. Long live Carly & Sonny.

(you see why its so hard to give up? Its like engrained in my DNA or something.)

-over and out-

Thursday, July 13, 2006

If there were any doubt.....

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

...that this girl is MY daughter it was proof putting yesterday when Fer picked one Bean-a up, in different clothes then what she started in, with this note. In case its not quite clear enough, let me help:

"Elliott threw up in her bed. She was fine, it was from her putting her fingers in her mouth. Please send extra clothes."

For those of you who read this and really know me, this is self-explanitory. For those of you who don't.... i'm a barfer. Always have been, always will. I don't mean I make myself throw up on purpose.... its just that, well, just about everything makes me throw up. I have one of the weakest stomachs known to man. And when I realized that my daughter likes to stick her fingers, spoons, crayons, whatever is at her disposal, down her throat so that she can gag a little and laugh about it, I knew bad things were on the horizon.

So, all I can really say is... I am glad someone else had to deal with it this time and not me. LMAO.

-over and out-

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Queen Elliott & Princess Lilah

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Queen Elliott awoke this am extremly focused... one goal in mind. And try as she might to work the remote for the TV she could just not find a Dora or a Belle. So being the ingenius child of almost 2 that she is, she started pleeding in other ways and it went like this: "moooommmmyyyy, watch Dora? No? Watch, Belle? Oh, watch Boots? Watch....... Benny? Watch...........TICO!!!! RIGHT?" And incase you have no young children currently, boots, benny & tico are all characters on Dora the Explorer.


Princess Lau

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Livin' the High Life

So we're back (huh, stronger than ever/you'd think we'd severe/never/we're too clever/to be taken down clown/by your ignorant state of mind/but every time I look I find/you!) Woah! Where the hell did that come from? Oh, does anyone remember good old fashioned Boy Bands these days. LMAO. Anyway, we are back, in Chicago. Back to work and school and errands and dishes. It was a wonderful time in Ohio, complete with seeing people that I have missed for a very long time. I only hope that now, since the bridge does not seem so long, it will happen more regularly.

We spent a lot of family time on this trip, much to Lizzie's dismay since she was moving into her new apartment all weekend, but i think I scored some big sister points since I helped her move in all Friday morning and totally jacked my already damaged wrist and had to gimp it the rest of the weekend. Nothing says awesome more than a wrist brace in public. It soooo went with my outfits.

We played wiffle ball (thats what the GIANT red bat from above is all about) and TONS of badmitton, my FAVORITE game that is not played on a board. I wish I could play it all day every day. Can you say GA-Haaaay! Oh well, you are all getting used to my nerd bird qualities. How could someone who looks so cool be so lame, you ask yourself? And I would say, "really, its quite easy." But seriously, really take the time to check out that above photo. Check out the stance of our legs and the gooberish looks upon our faces, and you will see just how related we really are. Who does that? LMAO.

We then rocked Lou's massive July 3 party. Ran into some old friends yet again, and the desire to move home was completely concrete at this moment. In case you have not seen this on Fer's page, or my myspace, I thought i would also add it here for further enjoyment. Gotta love the Champagne of beers. Personally, I always opt for the 16oz cans of High Life, but I guess beggers can't be choosers after a few jello shots. Whoop Whoop! Haaaaaaayyyyyy! (Right?)

See? There you are Friends!

This photo may look harsh, but really, it was after he held me down so that Horak could attack me with a giant permanent marker, thereby leaving giant black streaks and bruises all down my arm. What can I say, I bruise easily. Good times, good times.

In Other News:

Its not too bad to come back to only 2 days of work before my weekend begins. Now, this weekend may not be filled with tons of fun stuff, because I have a checkup at the Dr, errands, and will be setting us up on a new budget, but let me tell you, the reasons for all those things that sound like pain and suffering are going to be totally awesome once they are revealed.

And NO, I am NOT pregnant or going to be anytime soon. Look at the above pictures! Jesus, just wait will you? All in due time, my pretties.