Friday, December 22, 2006


Its a shame that some people (like me) are crying cripples. Do you know what I am talking about? I am almost completely physically incapable of crying. And even when I do, its only like a slow leak of a few short tears. I have heard through the grapevine that a good cry can bring about a great emotional release.

I need that release.

So, how do I go about getting it? I used to have some really bad bad bad habits that equated to a good cry, but I am 30 yrs old (in a blink) and I think at some point you have to leave certain things to the teens. I could watch some sappy pap but I doubt that would work now either. I wore out Beaches and most Julia Roberts flicks before I'd turned 16. What happens to make people this way? I totally have emotions, and some of them want to rear their ugly little heads, but right above the throat something gets caught..... and this one, I think I'm gonna need to wrangle.

In Other News:

I would totally take snow over all this rain we've been having. Its so grey and unwelcoming, each and every day. I could use a little Christmas Cheer. We're headed out to Miller Beach to spend the Holiday and I am really looking forward to it.

I think someone should take the internet away from me since I don't have too much positive, or funny to say....

-over and out-

Sunday, December 17, 2006

From the mouths of Babes

Real quick, before I have to go get ready for my day (working on Sunday's blows sometimes, let me tell you) I thought I would share these tidbits from Elliott's conversations with us this am. And I am not joking, these are unaltered statements. Soon I will remember to take the italk with me into her room and actually catch some of this stuff on audiofile so that you indeed know, dear readers, that I am not completely full of shit. Kay?

My morning wake up call today consisted of Elliott pushing her feet against the wall and rocking her crib back and forth so that it slams into the wall making a HUGE banging noise. She thinks this is hilarious, and I am sure that if you asked our neighbors, you know, the ones who spend every weekend out till 4am while their kid is off with the grandparents, if this is the way they like to be woken up at 7:15am, I am sure they would totally agree. And do you sense a hint of jealousy? Yes, Yes you do.

Anyway, I go in and she throws a toy at me. So, you know, being the adult I throw it back at her and she says with all seriousness: "DON'T throw toys at me, its not POLITE!" And I said: "Uh, no, its not polite, but where did you learn the word polite and to use it correctly?" "From the Belle Book."

And all I can say is at least she learned it from a book, and not TV like I thought she was going to say. ha ha.

Then we had a morning backscratch share, and after Fer was done scratching her back she turns around and says: "daddy, can you scratch my other back?" And with that, she meant her front. LMAO.

Somedays its like a nonstop comedy show around here. I may have to start selling tickets!

-over and out-

Friday, December 15, 2006


Dearest Kiddies:

please hang with me. I have a million items to share with you, i really really do. BUT, I want to overhaul this site and set you up with something lovely and beautiful for the New Year! Yeah! (can you feel it? sure you can!)

I am elbow deep in the Holiday Spirit and packing has begun. Let's just say, I am gonna take my hometown byt S-T-O-R-M. Can I get an AMEN my soul sistas? During all of this I have found my most cherished dark and depressing Christmas music to really feel the holiday among us. Nothing says anxiously awaiting the birth of one sweet baby jesus like music to slit your wrists to, right? LOL. Besides, don't all Christmas trees look better from behind a veil of tears? And isn't that how we are supposed to await our savior? All dreary & whatnot with antici--------------------pation?


Oh, I thought all ya'll were catholic. ha ha. I think i was confusing the Season of Holiday Splendor with Tis the Season of Seasonal Affective Disorder.... Say it with me: No, No BAD DAO!

In Other News:

Apparently my kid is 2 going on 13. 2 days ago we were playing and I was teasing her about one of her toys being someone different, and she turned to me and said: "Actually Mommy, that's buzz again." And my first instinct was to say, "Holy shit kid, actually you're right." BUT, since I am going for the "Mommy who eff'ed their Kid up the Least" Award, I bit my tongue and said: "My little genius, you are so right. And I love that you use the word, actually." and she said" I am a genius."

Go figure. Maybe she can tell me how to get these damn Italics off!

-over and out-

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

This morning I asked Elliott what she wanted to wear, and she said "My AKRON shirt!" So here we are, all dressed and ready to face the day. Yes Mombi, it is a new chair. New/used anyway... my friend Paula from work got it from storage for Ellie... it was her son's little man rocker... and I believe Ellie's new fav chair.

there are a million and one things I could talk about right now, but after spending the better part of my day on the phone... i think i am just all talked out. BUT, before leaving you, I want to wish a SUPER-DUPER-CARTER-STYLE HAPPY FRIGGIN BIRTHDAY to one Miss Kel-Belle Carter. I hope you are having a good one... wish we were there.

-over and out-

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sparkle pjs & a NEW dora hat

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

courtesy of "gramma sparkles"