Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Houses houses everywhere, but not a drop to drink?

Oh no, wait. That's bubbles bubbles everywhere. Well, either way.

Hello, hello bitter cold, Welcome. At last you show your face 'round here... still not in time to save my mind from wandering into the global warming category and scaring the shit out of me. I find myself reading Green articles every chance I get. Questioning if the Method cleaning products that I spend my hard earned money on are really good enough. Should I spend even more and switch to Seventh Generation? Can I replace things in my house with recylced and sustainable materials? Are more people thinking this way and demonstrating the 3Rs? (incase you don't know what that means, I will skip the part where I tell you how sad you are making me and tell you: reduce reuse recycle) K?

But I digress... sustainable living brings me to the house thoughts, and the house thoughts are all over the place... it is so strange to find yourself living in limbo, owning something and not yet being there to experience it. However, the move is less than 3 weeks away, and Fer & I decided last night that this Sat will be my last day of work. The end here is in sight, and while bittersweet, I am super excited to start the new journey. And there are so many more things going on... and so much more fun to be had.

Last night, after a few weeks of talkingandfiguringandplanning, (planning.... that maynan is good at the planning) Maynan & Kirkie made a ruuuulll big big kid move and put an offer on a house. A cute, ready to have their stamp marked upon it, 4 bedroom for them to grow into, house. It sits kitty-corner from the 1st house we spent our days in, which is strange enough, BUT---- BUT (can you sense my finger flying up in the air, pointing out to you for emphasis?) most importantly, it is within walking distance from OUR new house. Which means, BOTH of my sisters will be walking distance for whatever the case may be: craft night (cuz we're guh-hay-hay!), tv time, a stumble home if need be, and to babysit! LMAO.

I have a really good feeling about this... something just tells me its all working out. Not necessarily as planned, because as you know, I never really plan much other than home decor, but... its just good. Its a good working out feeling....


In Other News:

Its just soooo easy to fall back into the GH trap. So, so easy. Damn you Carly.

-over and out-

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Well then, I hate you too

Holy F-ing Shit. Yucca brought this to my attention today. I shouldn't be amazed at the stupidity out there in the great wide beyond of the interweb, but seriously. Seriously!?! I cannot even comprehend it. Not at all. It would be funny, if not for being totally terrifying.

Particularly, the two disclaimers at the end: they are constantly updating the list, and that there are people out there so furiously emailing this dude to notify him of the vast amounts of gay-oriented music available, their heads are all on the verge of exploding.

What I DO enjoy about this site, is the fact that an active email address is available to ALL OF US so that we may contact and overload the massive gmail account in moments of outrage or boredom; whichever moves you to action:

I have a few points on which to expound (i mean really, when don't I anyway):

ah. How come only Elton John gets a (really gay) after his name? I think Jake Shears of Scissor Sisters may be hurt by that. Besides, it would sound super spesh if they said (uber gay) anyway.

bah. How come Boy George has a * after his name with no disclaimer? What I dislike even more than bigotry is half-assed explainations in support of bigotry. I mean, how can I argue back when its not clear where you stand? Is it the drugs? Is that it? Because I think you missed the * after about 3/4 of that page. But I digress.

3. (doesn't that just make you cringe? the flipping from abc's to 123's? I know! I'm making all this worse! Just trying to drive the insanity home!) I don't see Scott Stapp or Creed on that list. If that shit isn't gay, I don't know what is!

And finally (for now, I could really go on for DAYS on this shit) I am so happy to own more than 3/4 of their list so far! Look at me! I love gay music. Now, do you think Fer was trying to tell me something, buying the latest Scissor Sisters? LMAO.


In Other News:

really, even if I did have something else right now, nothing competes with that. seriously.

-over and out-

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Keep on, Keepin' on

Its totally official. There's no backing out now. We are embarking on a new adventure of sorts... the kind that comes with hammer and nails and a general knowledge of how things work and get fixed. Thank god I was paying attenion to my Dad, all those years listening inbetween "Goddamnits" while doing general home improvements will now actually pay off.

The move date was set, and then changed again, because you know me! I can't ever just sit tight and wait for things to come along. I have to poke, prod, manuver and manipulate everything in my power to get things going fasterfasterfaster. Don't you wish you lived with me too? (lol) If you like trainwrecks, its totally fantastic! So we are now moving Feb 17. Awesome! 4 whopping weeks to pack up and load out.

I love moving. Seriously. I love the going thru old things, getting rid of clutter, and the general clean slate for decorating and organizing that moving brings. So for me, I can't pack fast enough. I could throw a million things away, except for the fact that my darling husband knows that someday some of this crap is going to come in handy. Crap that has been sitting in boxes since we moved from Ohio the first time, winter 1999. I figure if you haven't looked or referenced something in 3-4 years of living, and you don't need it to prove to the IRS or Government that you are who you say you are and INDEED, I DID pay my taxes.... GET RID OF IT. Except Junk Jewelry. You can never have too much junk jewelry. Thats a fact.

Right now, however, one could open both the Museum of Bass Player Magazine AND Large Analog Recording Devices in our basement. I don't even think Bass Player Magazine has archives going back as far as these. Fer realz. Thats what I get for playing house with a man who only utilizes his Virgo tendancies (read: anal/organized) pertaining to music items and archives. So if I am ever not around, beware... Fer more than likely will not be able to find a valid piece of identification. Gotta love it, riiiight?

But I digress. I am starting to become a bit overloaded with the decorating opportunities, amount of space and options... but all in due time. For now... its all about cleanin out the clutter and getting a move on.

Ohio, here we come.

In Other News:
Auntie Maynan has been bitten by the buying bug and is currently looking into home purchase. Do it Maynan, before you see what I have bitten off and get scared away! LMAO. There's safety in numbers, for those of us who are ignorant & Cuh-RAAAAY-ZAY!!!

-over and out-

Monday, January 08, 2007

Might as well....

I don't often jump on blogging bandwagons... and I am not quite sure if I have ever answered a survey, but this one tempted me. Maybe because I have an extreme obsession with being "tested". Not in a "I gotta pass my Socical Studies test" kinda way (maybe thats why I got a D in social studies) but more in the clinical "am I literally crazy and don't really know it yet" kinda way. So therefore, when i saw the opportunity to take a HumanMetrics Personality Test, I was all over it.

In general it said I am a Teacher/Idealist. Go ahead, you tell me, does this sound like the No no, Bad Dao that you know and love?

Theory I
Theory II

I think I may agree, but then I am not really sure if I like what it says about me.

Discuss. LOL

-over and out-

Little Big Girl

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The 1st Step

There are many 1st steps you take in life. Really, as I sit here and think about it, just about every little thing is a first step to something.

I have already had a few 1st steps in this New Year. Some of you know how I am not into N.Y. Resolutions. They really don't mean too much to me for the following reasons: ah) I never like doing personal things on timelines. Mine or anyone else's. bah) resolutions make me feel like its Lent all year long. And you know how well that's worked out for me, so yeah. Although the year that someone introduced the concept of Sunday's Off during Lent helped a little bit, I have never really been able to abstain from much, let alone for 40 days and nights. Say it with me: Cuh-raaaay-zay!

So, yesterday's first step was telling my jobbie job that I am leaving. I was nervous about this one, but I had to bite the bullet and see what happened. It went really well, but it was still strange and wierd.

Why am I leaving my job? For the first time, outted here: The Carter's are on the move again. In 11 days we will sign all the papers to close on a big, drafty, old house (built 1919) in Highland Square. And for those of you who don't know where that is, it's in the heart of Akron, Oh... the cool, hip, artsy, liberal, granola eating, craft fair throwing, buck the system West Akron. Just down the street from both Stan Hywet Hall AND Dr. Bob's house. I could totally give you a laundry list of who and what was started in Akron, but I will save that for some other day. And as an invite to any of my dear friends, know we will always have an open door, including Founder's Day Weekend, I know the hotels are always booked. (wink wink)

There's been a million ups and downs in the past few weeks, but it looks like we are in the home stretch. And although some of the snafus that we have encounted have totally sucked ass, we are moving forward with the best plan possible, and are totally going to make all this work... Cuz thats what I do!

So, all of that in mind, we are moving at the end of Feb. Not too soon, just soon enough.

In Other News:

I fell off the GH wagon, but just a little bit though. Like, I had 1 leg off, but am mostly still connected. I watched 4 episodes in the past 3 weeks. Its a slippery slope I know, i know. At first I thought I would just stop in and catch up a bit.... but then you always want to see what happens....but, I won't let it take over like it did before. I promise. ;-)

BTW, did anyone happen to catch this week's My Name is Earl "COPS" episode this week? Pure hysterical genius. Completely solidified my love for Jason Lee. I got that AND Twilight Singers on Jimmy Kimmel Live all in one week. Thank god I love TV, it makes up so many of my little joys in life. LMAO.

-over and out-