Thursday, November 30, 2006

Off to see the Wizard...

OK, I get that when its 60 and sunny for Thanks-giving that somehow, we must pay for that reward. I also get that when winter hits, it hits hard and fast. But this? This snowy rain that I see this morning? I am not sure I signed on for this.

I am not sure I signed on for the new attention span that my daughter has aquired in the past week. Before if she called Mommy a few times and I didn't answer, she would just roll over and go back to sleep. But for 4 nights now, she calls MOMMY ad-nauseum, insessantly, in the same droning tone.... starting as early as 5am... until we get up somewhere around 6:45.

I'm sorry. Did you miss the memo that clearly stated that unless it is a DIRE Emergency, This Mommy does not begin work before 7am? Check your inbox and get on that reading thing. This one was as important as your TPS report cover sheet. Get it?

In Other News:

Sounds like Fer is outta the shower, and she is still droning my name... i think that means I have to go and be more productive. I have to pack up all my stuff for the whirlwind adventure that was decided upon last night around 8pm. 2nd to last Ohio Tour 2006 commence. Yucca, I am calling you when I am on the train... if you call me first... i may eat your baby.

-over and out-

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Thanks to Fer for decorating our house in a minimal way for Christmas this year, since I was thinking maybe we would just skip it due to how busy we've been and will continue to be. But, just like last year, he rose to the occasion and I came home to a pretty Charlie Brown Tree, fully decorated, and one singing snowman. At first, Elliott was afraid of the snowman... still unsure of the world between moving things that are alive, and moving/talking inanimate objects. Sunday afternoon, she wanted nothing to do with the singing snowman. By Sunday night however, (which in the world of toddler is apparently a lifetime) Snowman has become one of her favorite toys since "Elmo Loves You". It sits at a toy piano and sings in 2 minutes a medly of songs: Let it snow, Jingle Bell Rock and Have a Holly Jolly Christmas. Being that it is not even Dec 1 yet, and I have heard this medly no less than 200 times, please excuse me if we have Christmas on Dec 10 and call it a day.

Because taking it away or turning it off, well, my daughter is too smart for that. She runs right over to it, turns it over and flips the switch, or looks all over, high and low, climbs the bookcase if she needs to, because something that she loves has been taken away and needs rescued. And if that is not enough for you to prove that Markoviciousness is genetic, then really, I can't imagine you know me at all. (wink wink) The ends of the earth you say? No Prob. How bad could it be, a 5 day trip at most?

In Other News:
I've been losing my mind a bit these past few days.... losing sight of One day at a time, let the path unfold and HALT. You would think I joined up and all, but really, it makes a ton of sense to me. Gotta get back to basics. So I did the girl thing last night, wrote it all out, used my guidance cards and man, do the answers show up as soon as you calm down long enough to get the message.
Today, grey or not, I am going to enjoy this last gift of 60 degrees before winter really sets in.
Thank you.

-over and out-

Oh the Joy

A Picture Share!, originally uploaded by nonobaddao.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Mister Akron

Happy Birthday today to the one and only Mister Akron. In the history of Akron, I think this one guy takes the cake as full knowing and being all there is to be of this Great American City. I think I need to pick up and few books and get back in the game if I ever want to be Mz. Akron. And not in the way that my sister was/is Miss Greater Akron... like the punk version. Or something. I dont think its possible for me to wear a crown and a nose ring at the same time. It like, clashes.

Its strange to know, love and be a city that is referenced in a million ways by people who think they know... but they have no idea. Like on ER last week the crazy Jesus freak character (i watch religiously, but never bother to learn the new kids names till they've been on at least 2 seasons... people come and go so quickly here, why get attached.) Anyway, that one, the born again, starts talking about Dayton, OH and then mentions that she's from Akron anyway. Akron huh? Always makes me want to mix my tv show metaphors and say: What you takin' bout Willis?

But I digress... I am still wrapping my head around the fact that there are only a mere 3 days till Thanksgiving (which in my mind i pronounce: Thanks-giving) Maybe its that southern hillbilly i picked up somewhere along the way. Maybe its a genetic thing, but there is a part of me that always makes me want to thank Mike Haynes for that one. (oh dear sisters, are you ROTFL?) Or maybe its the stress on the thanks part comes from Fer and I watching the Secret last night... or I watched as much as I could before I turned into a pumpkin at 9:30 because the day had kicked my ass. In a good way, but I was DONE. It all comes down to the Laws of Attraction, which I firmly believe in. I have a million anecdotes I could relate here to prove my point, and as H. Harvey Gold says: "He who has the most anecdotes at death wins" and to spare you now I will just say... i think i could be winning. ;-) I have a long life ahead of me I know, but seriously... I have a lot.

The sunshine I asked to meet last week has finally arrived, literally, and i am sitting in the warm glow. Today is going to be a good day, and the week is shaping up to be quite sunny & balmy. So here is my Thanks.

In Other News:

I have too many things I should be doing right now, but I just really wanted to stop in and say Hi since being neglectful to you, dear internet, is putting it mildly. I love you. Stick around, I'll be back soon.

-over and out-

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Losing it

Gross right? I am in the process of finally losing my black nail. Its been 2 months in the making already and after flying this weekend to San Francisco something strange started happening in there... and this is where we are. I am afraid to take it off anymore than whats there, because i think there are lots of nerves still connected, but for now... i am hoping it grows off quickly and I am not left with some gimp nail that never grows properly. We'll see.

San Francisco was awesome, btw. There were bits and pieces that I had never crossed paths with before, spent some time in union square... all good. Good wine, food and conversation.

In Other News:

Sorry for being so lame these past few weeks with updating. I swear, I will wear the green boots more and the wittiness will abound. Just hang on....

-over and out-

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

To be a woman...

...Does it really mean that we have to express and experience a love of shoes? I did not think so before yesterday, but I am beginning to change my mind on this matter. Above are the boots I purchased last year, online, after some intense brousing with Rittle Rizzy (read: 2 1/2hrs online). We stumbled across these, teetering at the edge of the internet, and in that instant, I knew no matter what, my sleep would be disrupted until I had them in my closet. Now, some of you know this is not a common experiece for me... I suffer from horrible buyers remorse and rarely shop anywhere that pants cost more than $30. And even that's a stretch. BUT, these shoes were different. They spoke to me. They were telling me I could be a better person, do better things, enjoy life more if I had them. And so far, one year later, they did not lie. Until Yesterday:

I saw these amazing boots in the window of a store I rarely walk past because I know that it will only get me into trouble. You know, the kind of store that only has about 35-40 items at any given time... you get what i'm saying. But when I saw these.... they too spoke to me.... After I caught my breath and the pounding in my ears quieted. Check the side detail:

That's hot right? They are comfortable and unique, and so...ugh, I hate to even say it.... so ME. And now they are mine. And I will be a better person, enjoy life more, say even wittier things.... I know it. I mean, shoes like these, how could they lie? Riiiiiiiight?

In Other News:

Changes are afoot 'round the Carter Compund. Some of you know, some of you don't. This is the interesting part however: I set my intention 2 days ago, specifically requesting for the outcome of these elections to reflect the greater good. In that, there is no room for error. Yucca called this a.m. to share that Ohio has gone Democrat again, including Governor (which hasn't happened since like '82) and all important levey's passed for the schools, metro parks, libraries, as well as the smoking ban. To those of you that still smoke, I am sorry. But for the Quitters out there like me.... Word Up!

-over and out-

Friday, November 03, 2006


The post-show afterglow is an amazing thing. My body aches from the constant fist-pumping, ass shaking, jumping up&down, screaming 2 1/2 hours of ROCK that was last night. Powder Burns is definately my Favorite Twilight Singers album, and last night rivled that of any show that I have ever attended. It might be due to the fact that I am beat, for living the last 2 days like a rockstar, with rockstars is not something that I am super good at anymore.... what with all the baby things that go on in this house from time to time. ha ha.

I fell into bed last night sometime around 3am, much earlier than the night before as a matter of fact. I have been up the past 2 mornings on less than blinks of an eye amounts of sleep to see Fer & Bean off to work/school.... and now i am thinking that my brain & body could use some rest.

So for now... thank you thank you thank you Scott, Yucca, Brian & Carey.... its been so freaking awesome.

-over and out for now-

UPDATE: it is now about 2:40 and only minutes ago I rolled over for the 1st time since laying down at 9am. What an amazing time, and I feel so alive.
